Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Here is the information where one can benefit there health and wealth.

What do you mean by Aakriti?

The boy or girl name Aakriti comes from the Indian word which means,"Shape".It also stems from the word which means, "your image(Parchai)".It also stems from the Sanskrit word which means,"Beautiful Form." It also stems from the a beautiful image word which means," an image which outshines other outline of every creation on this earth whether living or non living this is the correct meaning of AAKRITI".It also stems from the word which means,"Innocent".

Numerological Meaning:

People with this name tend to be very warm and nurturing. They are extremely reliable and are often found taking care of others. They have a deep need to try and create harmony in their surroundings. Unfortunately, this can sometimes lead to getting taken advantage of. They can have difficulties saying, "No." They can be quite successful as a Personal assistant, educator, or caterer to a small business.

Opening Of Aakriti Wellness

Keys to Healthy Diet:

Developing healthy eating habits isn't as confusing or as restrictive as many people imagine.The first principle of a healthy diet is simply to eat a wide variety of foods.This is important because different foods make different nutritional contributions.
Secondly, fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes—foods high in complex carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, and minerals, low in fat, and free of cholesterol—should make up the bulk of the calories you consume. The rest should come from low-fat dairy products, lean meat and poultry, and fish.
You should also try to maintain a balance between calorie intake and calorie expenditure—that is, don't eat more food than your body can utilize. Otherwise, you will gain weight. The more active you are, therefore, the more you can eat and still maintain this balance.
Following these three basic steps doesn't mean that you have to give up your favorite foods. As long as your overall diet is balanced and rich in nutrients and fiber, there is nothing wrong with an occasional cheeseburger. Just be sure to limit how frequently you eat such foods, and try to eat small portions of them.
You can also view healthy eating as an opportunity to expand your range of choices by trying foods—especially vegetables, whole grains, or fruits—that you don't normally eat.A healthy diet doesn't have to mean eating foods that are bland or unappealing.

The following basic guidelines are what you need to know to construct a healthy diet.

1. Eat plenty of high-fiber foods—that is fruits,vegetables,beans and whole grains. These are the "good" carbohydrates—nutritious, filling and relatively low in calories.They should supply the 20 to 30 grams of dietary fiber you need each day, which slows the absorption of carbohydrates, so there’s less effect on insulin and blood sugar and provides other health benefits as well.Such foods also provide important vitamins, minerals and photochemical(plant chemicals essential to good health).
2. Make sure to include green, orange, and yellow fruits and vegetables—such as broccoli, carrots, cantaloupe, and citrus fruits. The antioxidants and other nutrients in these foods may help protect against developing certain types of cancer and other diseases. Eat five or more servings a day.
3. Limit your intake of sugary foods, refined-grain products such as white bread, and salty snack foods. Sugar, our No.1 additive, is added to a vast array of foods. Just one daily 12-ounce can of soda (160 calories) can add up to 16 pounds over the course of a year. Many sugary foods are also high in fat, so they’re calorie-dense.
4. Cut down on animal fat. It’s rich in saturated fat, which boosts blood cholesterol levels and has other adverse health effects. Choose lean meats, skinless poultry, and nonfat or low-fat or nonfat dairy products.
5. Cut way down on trans fats, supplied by hydrogenated vegetable oils used in most processed foods in the supermarket and in many fast foods.
6. Eat more fish and nuts, which contain healthy unsaturated fats. Substitute olive or canola oil for butter or stick margarine.
7. Keep portions moderate, especially of high-calorie foods. In recent years serving sizes have ballooned, particularly in restaurants. Choose a starter instead of an entree, split a dish with a friend, and don’t order super sized anything.
8. Keep your cholesterol intake below 300 milligrams per day. Cholesterol is found only in animal products, such as meats, poultry, dairy products, and egg yolks.
9. Eat a variety of foods. Don't try to fill your nutrient requirements by eating the same foods day in, day out. It is possible that not every essential nutrient has been identified, and so eating a wide assortment of foods helps to ensure that you will get all the necessary nutrients. In addition, this will limit your exposure to any pesticides or toxic substances that may be present in one particular food.
10. Maintain an adequate calcium intake. Calcium is essential for strong bones and teeth. Get your calcium from low-fat sources, such as skim milk and low-fat yogurt. If you can't get the optimal amount from foods, take supplements.
11. Try to get your vitamins and minerals from foods, not from supplements. Supplements cannot substitute for a healthy diet, which supplies nutrients and other compounds besides vitamins and minerals. Foods also provide the "synergy" that many nutrients require to be efficiently used in the body.
12. Maintain a desirable weight. Balance energy (calorie) intake with energy output. Exercise and other physical activity are essential.
13. If you drink alcohol, do so in moderation. That is one drink a day for women, two a day for men. A drink is defined as 12 ounces of beer, 4 ounces of wine, or 1.5 ounces of 80-proof spirits. Excess alcohol consumption leads to a variety of health problems. And alcoholic beverages can add many calories to your diet without supplying nutrients.

25 Healthy Fruits and Vegetables for Better Health

Fruits and vegetables are not alone adorable but advantageous too. They accommodate capital vitamins and minerals that action aegis adjoin abounding abiding diseases. Fruits and vegetables are an important allotment of a counterbalanced circadian diet. Fiber, phytochemicals, antioxidants and added compounds from fruits and vegetables protects adjoin activity aggressive diseases like cancer, affection diseases, achievement and diabetes. But remember, no one aliment will accommodate all these capital nutrients. Therefore, it is actual important to accommodate an avant-garde array of both vegetables and fruits in your circadian diet for best bloom benefits. There are altered melancholia fruits and vegetables available. Listed beneath is an account of 25 advantageous fruits and vegetables for bigger health.
Flavonoids a type of antioxidant present in apples, can help lower the chances of developing asthma and diabetes. The fibers of an apple help to clean your teeth and palate of bacteria and food residue. However make sure to eat apples whole without peeling its skin as its rich flavor and the nutrient load lies just below the skin.
Healthy monounsaturated fatty acids from the avocado help to lower cholesterol. It is therefore advisable to substitute other unhealthy saturated and trans fats in your meals with avocados.
Bananas are a rich source of potassium that can help to maintain a healthy blood pressure level.
The deep purple color of blackberries comes from anthocyanin which is considered a powerful antioxidant that may help to reduce risk of certain cancers.
Blueberries are loaded with many antioxidants which help to lower the risk of developing Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.
This fruit is rich in an antioxidant – beta carotene, which helps to lower the risk of developing cataracts.
Anthocyanin present in slightly sour cherries can help to reduce inflammation and ease gout and other arthritis pain.
The antibacterial effect in cranberries may help in the treatment and prevention of urinary tract infection (fresh cranberry juice is found to be more effective for this purpose than whole cranberries). Cranberries are also linked with the prevention of ulcers and kidney stones.
Dried figs
Dried figs are rich in fiber and may help to reduce the risk of certain heart diseases.
Resveratrol, an antioxidant found in grapes may help to lower the risk of developing blood clots and also reduces high blood pressure. This antioxidant may also help prevent heart diseases. Resveratrol has also been seen to help arrest the spread of cancer cells, especially in breast, colon and stomach cancers.
Grapefruit (pink)
Flavonoids and glycogen from grapefruit offer protection against certain types of cancer. It is also rich in pectin, a fiber that can help to reduce high cholesterol levels.
Kiwifruit can help to maintain and develop the bones, cartilages, gums and teeth as it has even more vitamin C than oranges.
Mangoes are affluent in zeaxanthin and lutein, both antioxidants advice assure eyes and lower the accident of development of age-related macular degeneration.
Besides being well known for its vitamin C, oranges are also a good source of folate.Folate is especially an important nutrient for pregnant women as it can help prevent the development of neural tube defects.
The skin of the papaya contains special acids which help to maintain healthy skin. Papain, the enzyme present in papaya, also helps to aid digestion.
Betaine present in beet helps to reduce inflammation and pain. Beets are also rich in folate which is an essential B complex vitamin that helps prevent birth defects in the growing fetus.
Indoles and sulforaphane, two phytonutrients present in broccoli have significant anti-cancer effects.
Carrots are a rich vegetable source of antioxidant compounds and also pro-vitamin A carotenes. These carotenes and antioxidant compounds promote good vision and help to protect against certain cancers and cardiovascular diseases.
Celery is a rich source of vitamin C and many other active compounds including phthalides and coumarins which may help lower cholesterol and prevent cancer.
Besides being rich in a host of vitamins and minerals, eggplants are also rich in nasunin (found under the skin of this vegetable) which is considered a brain food.
Green peas
Green peas are loaded with 8 vitamins and 7 minerals along with fiber and protein. Vitamin K along with folate and vitamin B6 from green peas help to maintain healthy bones.
The organosulfur phytonutrients in kale help to prevent cancer especially ovarian cancer and the carotenoids help to lower risk of cataracts.
Olives are an excellent source of monounsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E. The first helps to protect against heart disease and the latter helps protect against free radical oxidative damage in the body.
Spinach is an excellent source of vitamin A, vitamin K, folate, magnesium, manganese, iron, calcium, B vitamins and vitamin E. All these nutrients help to protect against a host of diseases like arthritis, colon cancer, heart diseases and osteoporosis.
Tomato is an excellent source of lycopene, a potent antioxidant that offers protection against advanced stages of prostrate cancer and may also help reduce high cholesterol levels.

Video Information Sobre el Colesterol

List Of Food That Lower Cholesterol

Diabetes, Type 1, Type 2, Glucose, Insulin

Animation about diabetes and the body.

Diabetes & associated complications

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